Pristatome Sabos pagalvėlių dovanų kuponą!
Jei ne visada pasiseka išrinkti puikią dovaną tai šis pasiūlymas kaip tik tau. Išsirinkite vieną iš dovanų kuponų nuo 25 € iki 100 € vertės ir gaukite jį tiesiai į savo el.pašto dėžutę, jums beliks tik atsispausdinti ir įteikti. Pradžiugink ir nustebink savo draugus ir artimuosius išskirtiniais rankų darbo gaminiais.
When buying a gift voucher, other goods cannot be purchased together. You can do this with a separate purchase.
After payment, you will receive the gift voucher to the e-mail address specified at the time of purchase on the same or the next day. Coupons are only sent by email.
Instructions for using the gift voucher:
- The gift voucher is valid for 6 months from the date specified in the coupon. It can be paid only in the e-shop
- To use the gift voucher, select the goods in the e-shop before the specified expiration date on the ladder, enter the coupon code in the field "Discount code" on the shopping cart page and click "Apply". (The discount code is a set of numbers and letters printed on the GIFT COUPON).
- The gift voucher can only be used once. Failure to redeem - the coupon will not be renewed, the money will not be returned. The coupon is not redeemable for cash. Other discount codes cannot be used after using the gift voucher.
- If you order goods for a higher amount than indicated in the coupon - you will have to pay, and if the amount is lower - the difference will not be refunded.